Perhaps identifying positive qualities about yourself makes your head hurt, or maybe even the thought of doing a detox makes you laugh either in nervousness or at the audacity of anyone to think that you would ever dare give up delectable sweets or savory treats. However, if you are not in a state of optimal physical or mental wellness, something has got to change because doing the same thing is not working effectively, and doing nothing is like taking your hands off the wheel of your car and expecting not to crash. If you eat unhealthily on a regular basis, rarely exercise, and don’t do anything to de-stress and rejuvenate, you are taking a hands-off approach to your health.
Ultimately, anything worth achieving requires sacrifice.
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, one definition of sacrifice is the “destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else.” When we say sacrifice, we don’t mean you need to run to a friend’s backyard firepit and burn an offering of all your Valentine’s candy to the proverbial health gods so that you can be well. We mean that you needed to examine your life and first figure out where you need to love your mind and body more for the sake of your own health. Then, you need to determine what you are willing to detox from your life in order to improve your mental or physical health. This could mean sacrificing time, energy, comfort, bad habits, self-doubt, or even fear. We also realize that you may have a million things clawing at your attention; nevertheless, you cannot take care of others if your own mind and body are careening to a speedy shutdown. Even racecars have to slow down, refuel, and address issues affecting their functioning. With so many things in life that are beyond our control, why not take the opportunity to make a pit stop and take charge of some of the few things that ARE within your power? Isn’t your wellness worth it?
I challenge you to de-stress.
For the upcoming weeks, I challenge you to find 15 minutes 3 times a week to do something to decompress and de-stress. This could be a relaxing hot bath, journaling, engaging in art-making, talking to a trusted friend, or sitting outside thinking about even the small things that you actually can be grateful for (or for those of you in Winter Wondercolderlands, you could sit inside away from the television). I also challenge you to consider starting a dietary detox this month to remove the built-up yuck of toxins and inflammation from your body in order to improve your physical health. We still have a few detoxes for sale in the office, so feel free to come by and choose your healthy future.
We combine chiropractic with nutrition, exercise, massage, and other therapies that have high-quality evidence to support them. Our approach relies on a partnership between patient and doctor, with a goal to treat the mind, body, and spirit, all at the same time. We look forward to helping you along our health journey! Contact us at 561-336-4808 or fill out the form on our contact page.