IM combines conventional Western medicine with alternative or complementary treatments, such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, biofeedback, yoga, and stress reduction techniques — all in the effort to treat the whole person. These treatments are often used with mainstream medicine, not as replacements or alternatives.
Our integrative approach depends on a partnership between the patient and the doctor, the goal is to treat the mind, body, and spirit, all at the same time. While some of the therapies used may be non-conventional, a guiding principle within integrative medicine is to use therapies that have high-quality evidence to support them.
Dr. McDonald holds a degree in Integrative Medicine from George Washington University School of Medicine. In our office we utilize integrative medicine to bridge the gap between holistic medicine and mainstream medicine. Dr. McDonald does a thorough evaluation to assess how well your body is functioning. We utilize many questionnaires, blood panels, urine and salivary tests to assess your state of health and the magnitude of metabolic dysfunction that may be present. From there Dr. McDonald will create personalized care plans that may include detoxification options, nutritional diet options, supplementation, stress management techniques and chiropractic care that will address the root cause of the issues. Your care plan may also include co-managing with your medical physician if necessary to ensure you get the most well rounded care.
Many people with metabolic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, hormonal dysfunction, adrenal dysfunction and digestive imbalances, chronic fatigue, brain fog and many other conditions benefit from an integrative approach.
As an integrative Medicine practitioner Dr. McDonald strives to incorporate many disciplines and therapies into patient care in order to achieve the best possible outcome.